Dealing with borer costly

Our very own Calvin McCallum got to weigh in on the Emerald Ash Borer plight this week, when he spoke with Mashoka Maimona, of the London Free Press. Today’s Free Press article Dealing with borer costly | London | News | London Free Press, dug deeper into the devastating reality of what the effects from the emerald ash borer are. The city is looking at having to remove and replace upwards of 400,000 trees. And that does not include ash trees on private property.

Dealing with Borer Costly

The article makes no bones about the fact that dealing with this infestation is going to be costly, whether trees are removed or treatment is attempted. The potential loss of approximately 10% of the Forest City’s canopy will have a devastating effect. And as McCallum notes in the article, we should have been on top of this issue years ago.

Now speed is of the essence in dealing with this very real threat to the Forest City. As McCallum points out, if trees are left to die due to the emerald ash borer, the removal costs escalate. While treatment is not 100% guaranteed, it has been shown to be effective in salvaging our precious ash trees. Our post about ash injections with TreeAzin highlighted one such treatment option.

It may cost money now, but weighing that against expensive tree removal and replacement costs puts the dollar figures in perspective. CLC Tree Services doesn’t want to see London lose its status as the Forest City. With treatment, we are doing everything we can to prevent that.

The question then becomes, what are you going to do?



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June 24, 2011 11:00 am