Flowering Trees of London


Delicate white blossoms

We are long into spring, but area trees seem to have just gotten the message. That message is rebounding all across the city though. I’ve seen white, pink and yellow magnolias in all their glory. Pretty redbuds line streets with their purple bedecked limbs. Fancy flowering crab apples are bursting with white, red, and pink petals galore. Even sand cherry trees are proudly reaching for the sky.

Flowering Trees of London

London's Flowering Trees


You’ve just got to love flowering trees. London, Ontario is awash in them. This time of year is certainly proof of the power of trees. People stop to smell lilacs. Others pause to admire the spread of saucer magnolias. Delicate dogwoods are enough to make anyone smile. That is the emotional power of people’s reactions to trees. After a long, dark winter, it is no wonder that we are enraptured by mother nature’s palette.





Flowering Dogwood

Do you know what else these beautiful flowering trees do? Once the flowers are spent, the trees then work on producing fruit, but in the interim, they offer us oxygen, decrease the level of air pollution, improve water quality, reduce noise pollution, create valuable windbreaks, decrease energy costs for surrounding buildings, provide homes, perches and food for birds and other animals, all while offering us the bonus of aesthetic appeal.

Vibrant flowering quince

Is that a Flowering Quince I spy?

Those are some hard-working trees! Do you have a favourite flowering tree or shrub? Is there anything brightening up the landscape in your neck of the woods this week?

Feel free to share!


Published by
May 21, 2014 4:27 pm