The Music of Winter Trees

It is another gray day today. It has been a funny winter in these parts, with temperatures fluctuating between several degrees above zero to several degrees below in a matter of days. Rain follows snow and sunshine is fleeting for all us creatures too silly not to migrate South for the winter. That includes me and all the trees that I continue to tend to in the London area. And yes, CLC Tree Services is still out there pruning trees despite whatever Mother Nature throws at us. I have to say it is a mite easier taking care of trees without the piles of snow to contend with, but the poor trees don’t seem to know whether to send out fresh buds for spring, to start their sap flowing or to hunker down for that long winter’s nap that they so sorely deserve. At least the rain is providing them with sufficient moisture to dissuade drought issues.

Has anyone had a chance to get out and wander among the trees with those fleeting blankets of snow we have received? You certainly can’t beat the serenity of a winter forest in my books. That silence is golden.

On that note, I think that perhaps a musical interlude today might be in order; something that speaks of winter trees. I share with you Tchaikovsky’s “Forest of Fir Trees in Winter”. Now add that to your iPod and head to the forest. Enjoy!

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January 25, 2012 2:28 pm